Navigating the IaC Explorer

The IaC Explorer provides full visibility into your IaC stacks, including all of their components.

Use the filters and tables below to view detailed information about the following types of IaC stacks:

Firefly does not support all providers. If you would like Firefly to support your provider type, let us know.


Applied Stacks

    • Slack Contents displays the IaC stack file.

    • Properties displays your Providers (integrations) and Assets (not supported).

  • To create a map of your cloud infrastructure, select Map.


After you have integrated your version control system, Firefly scans your code to locate your Terraform modules. Selecting the module opens the folder of your modules in Git.


Select the Plus icon to open the following table:


View and manage the location where your IaC stacks are stored.

Helm Installed Charts

  • Stack Contents displays the IaC stack file

  • Properties displays your Providers (integrations)

Kustomize Installed Artifacts

Argo Directory Installed Artifacts

CloudFormation Applied Stacks

  • Stack Contents displays the IaC stack file.

  • Properties displays your Providers (integrations) and Assets (not supported asset types).

Last updated