Compose: Generating new configuration

Generate code that does not rely on preexisting resources.

Creating a module call

Create Terraform modules from public or private repositories. The Terraform variable buttons indicate the following:

  • Whether a variable is required

  • Whether the variable needs validation

  • Whether there is validation on the variable

  • Whether the variable is sensitive

  • The description of the variable

  • The type of variable


  1. Select Compose > Module Call.

  2. Select a repository and module.

  3. Add values to the fields according to the parameters above.

  4. Select Generate.

Generate with AI

Use AI to generate a resource template with any IaC tool.


  1. Select Compose > Generate with AI.

  2. Select your IaC tool.

  3. In the field, enter a descriptive text for the desired template, and select enter.

  4. If needed, enter additional prompts to modify the template.

Chat session is limited to 10 minutes.

Creating a pull request

Add your Terraform resources to your integrated version control system (VCS). Resources can be added to an existing file in your VCS by selecting a target branch and file path.


  1. Select Pull request.

  2. Select a VCS Integration.

  3. Select a Repository.

    • Optional: Select the Target Branch.

    • Optional: Add a File Path. Select Browse Repository and locate the destination file.

  4. Select Create.

Last updated